Jul 272013

avatar2 The members of SG1 are stuck 5000 years in the past but in this alternate timeline dorky Daniel and Sam after helping to discover the location of the second gate are put onto the expedition thanks to Jack returning to the military which in turn is thanks to Major Kawalsky his long time friend and compatriot. The use the jumper to travel to Chulak in search of Tealc who they believe will be open to helping them but on arrival they are captured by the Jaffa of Apophis and Daniel is take for interrogation and then when they escape he reveals that his no longer the Daniel we knew for such a short space of time. In a clever tactic they take the jumper 5000 years into the past of Chulak and use the gate to travel to Earth and they appear shortly after the original SG1 arrived but find that well they did not fare very well. Only Daniel survived which means once again we have a full compliment of SG1 to rally the natives to rebel and over throw Ra but this time to use the Jumper and it’s cloak to secure the gate and make sure it will be discovered under the cover stones 5 millennia later. A blink of an eye later here is a SG1 watching the video of themselves recovered from a dig site and well everything seems to have worked out so lets all go fishing and they do including Sam but there shouldn’t be any fish in this pond…

Close enough?

Moebius Part 2 is a fantastic season finale and watch together the two parter is brilliant time travel science fiction. It was great to see “evil” Teal’c once again as the First Prime to a snazzy looking Apophis played by Peter Williams who refused to cut his hair hence the use of the fancy hat. We lost Daniel and gained Daniel and lost Teal’c, Sam and Jack but hey we are back to a full compliment of SG1, come on don’t you love time travel tales:)

Who is Missing?

Who is Missing?

The episode has for the most part stunning levels of location shots, composite scenes and set pieces although one or two shots were a little sub-standard as Peter commented on in the episode commentary, budget and practical limits played a part but next season a full size location jumper will solve many of these mainly for Atlantis.

As a season finale the episode was awesome and a lot of the credit goes to the final fishing scene and slow pull back across the pond and we’ve seen that shot before but it doesn’t matter it works so well. If this had been the series finale it would have worked just as well, the story and conclusion providing a fitting end to SG1 and passing the torch full time to Atlantis.

As it should be

As it should be

Once again we have to thank Scott and Miles for joining us in the recording of this show, they were excellent and with fewer audio issues the final result was more to my liking. We may have to try to convince them to make another appearance some time in the future:)

Next week we take a leap at the Stargate Atlantis season 1 finale “The Siege Part 1” with Jeff from the states joining us for that recording, hope you can join us and maybe leave a comment, review or any sort of feedback I can’t tell you how much it means to us. Thanks to Brad for posting his mini-feature on Gatecast 106 “Menace” over on the Facebook Group and thanks to everyone that we interact with us on twitter and Stephen for the email:)



Jul 202013

avatar The death of Catherine Langford provides Daniel with a treasure trove of Egyptian artefacts to examine, in one book he spots a representation of what could be nothing but a ZPM in the treasure room of Ra. Sam and Daniel offer up a plan to use the Ancient time machine to go back 5000 years to the time when Ra ruled over Egypt and steal the ZPM without affecting the timeline, Jack isn’t convinced but he is the best bet to fly the time jumper.
They successfully steal the ZPM but they remain 5000 years in the past when the Jumper is discovered, they decide to leave a video recording in a sealed jar in a known dig site with the knowledge it will be discovered by their future selves and then all will be right with the world.
Alas they have changed events and when the jar is discovered the video referencing the Stargate, SG1 and some of the major events are no longer relevant but General Hammond (1 Star stationed at NORAD) seeks out Sam and Daniel to shed some light on the video and some of the artefacts they do discover.

Moebius1 (5)

Moebius was initially intended to be a series finale and even with seasons nine and ten to come the double episode really can be seen to book end what to many became the traditional Stargate SG1. That aside we are seeing a truly convoluted and magnificent time travel story which is one of the staples of scifi but is often forced to work or plot issues ignored. In this story we see the consequences when things go wrong and how far you may have to go to try to fix things and even then it might not be perfect. If modern theory about alternate timelines and branching realities are true then the odds of perfectly replicating the events to produce a desired result with 100% accuracy would be pretty long almost at infinity. It may the case that like the Moebius as a whole and the Simpsons episode referred to in the commentary for part 2 that close enough is the best you can hope for.

Michael and Amanda must have been having a blast playing the alter-egos being more timid and restrained versions of the characters we came to know and love. We can see Daniel has that desire and stubbornness still buried within him but Sam despite being a very intelligent woman seems to have had her confidence and edge ripped away, who knows how her family life in this reality affected her.
Jack we can see as being an extension of his existing character, he’s happy to have walked away and just do enough to get by and be happy on his boat but for some reason seems to have picked up a Canadian accent for some reason. It was also great to see General Hammond who was pretty much the same just a lower rank and of course we got to see Major Davis and Major Samuels who seemed to be very similar but then in the prime reality they like the General were military men to the core. McKay of course reverted to his early SG1 arrogant self maybe even with added jerkiness:)

Wandering Hand Syndrome

Wandering Hand Syndrome

Moebius Part 1 is an excellent episode and the first half of one of the best two parters that Stargate have produced made more so thanks to wrapping up so many threads in a very natural way, some of the best series finales leave you smiling and believing the characters will go on and in part 1 all the hallmarks of this style of story have been laid down and we have the promise of more of the same in part 2.

We had some issues with the audio (again) this week, I lost quite a few comments which simply were washed out so the show really doesn’t do justice to our two guests this week. Miles and Scott from the SciFi Diner podcast joined us from the states and they’ll also be on part 2 of this episode so if you really want to experience the quality they consistently produced check out their podcast which carries some excellent genre interviews gathered from dozen of conventions. Thanks to everyone that has posted on the various social media platforms and gold star to Brad for continuing his episode comments over on our Facebook group, all the feedback is valued and appreciated.
Next week we’ll be staying with Stargate SG1 with the second part of Moebius and then the following two weeks will be devoted to the final two episodes of the first season of Stargate Atlantis.



May 252013

avatar2 It’s Elizabeths birthday something she kept quiet about but John has his methods and presents her with a hand made piece of pottery. Meanwhile the search for premium quarters in the city goes on with Rodney really looking for a balcony but they do find a lab with a stasis chamber intact but with an occupant. The woman looks very old and upon investigation it seems she has been asleep for around ten thousand years, infact since Atlantis was first abandoned and sunk beneath the waves.

They revive her and she is both aware and comprehending of the situation in fact she seems to know a lot more than she should including the personnel of the base and specifically Dr Weir herself but that is reasonable when they discover she is Elizabeth transported back in time and from another timeline and then set in motion the events as they transpired when this expedition arrived on the city.

Did you make it John?

Did you make it John?

Before I Sleep is an excellent episode of Atlantis and rivals some of the best of the whole
franchise, it has depth and emotion combined with a solid scifi story element and some top
notch make up and body double work. The use of footage from the pilot to add weight to
the story was well done and it was interesting to see those that would become the Ancients
during their darkest hour as the Wraith were coming close to victory. The introduction of the
time ship in this series also pays off with the similar ship seen in SG1 which is pivotal in it’s
season finale.

Where Am I ?

Where Am I ?

We got plenty of feedback for last weeks episode on Facebook and Brad sent us a nice long
voicemail for this weeks so the episode was a little long, I dropped the news and birthdays to
keep the show under an hour so enjoy and please let us know what you think. We’d love any
feedback especially audio and itunes reviews/ratings but no pressure:)


May 042013

avatar As rogue system lords retreat into previously exploited regions of the galaxy the Tokra inform the SGC that one world is soon to be retaken and that is where they left Harry Maybourne to live out his days, obviously he has an in depth knowledge of the Earth and the SGC so SG1 pay him a visit. It isn’t that much of a shock to find Harry has become the King to this small community thanks to his ability to translate Ancient writings which foretell future events, by saving the population from a flood he earned their thanks and the belief he is a seer and thus worthy of their almost worship like devotion.

It’s Good to be King is the final tale in the Harry Maybourne journey from being a highly suspicious military and intelligence officer with links to the NID and other devious goings on through a time as a rogue operative almost mercenary until eventually aiding Jack and the SGC albeit with a few bumps in the road. Despite the objectionable state of affairs on the planet it seems that Harry has overall been a very positive influence on the community and maybe he’s finally found his place in the galaxy.

So do you fancy being the Queen?

So do you fancy being the Queen?

The added bonus of this story is that once again we get Jack putting on his glasses and strapping on the P90 and going off world and like it or not Jack and Harry have great chemistry and the humour comes through with flare and style. The discovery of the Ancient puddle jumper and the time device lays the groundwork for the season finale as well as tieing into the Atlantis storyline in “Before I Sleep” which works wonderfully. Sam, Teal’c and Daniel all contribute well to the episode despite not being the focus of attention and the two main guest actors perform well in their roles.

Hi, I'm Jack.

Hi, I’m Jack.

A huge thank you to Adrianna and Thomas who joined us for this weeks show, they will return and thanks to Brad who sent into some audio feedback. For the second month running we’ve seen a small bump in downloads so a big thank you to everyone who has been listening both old and new. This weeks promo is from The Holodeck a Star Trek podcast from the Trek Mate family and next week we return to Atlantis for Sanctuary. We would love to hear from you about “It’s Good to be King” or “Sanctuary” and Stargate in general, feel free to use any of the various portals/sites or this websites options for feedback and if you fancy it an itunes review would be most welcome:)




Apr 232011

A look into the future of the Earth under a seemingly successful alliance with an advanced culture who helped us to defeat the Goauld and cure the planets and peoples ills. One might say it’s a paradise with life, love and liberty prospering for all but is that just the thin veneer hiding  plans within plans. Well it would be a boring episode if it wasn’t and as we find the Aschen who had been contacted 10 years previously by SG1 are prepared to invest decades nay centuries in a long term plan to conquer a world.

2010 is a slight twist on the usual time travel stories favoured by the franchise as we see the world as it is thanks to one specific and critical event but the results were not expected and that leaves our heroes looking to retroactively change the past to give themselves and everyone else a new future. Of course it’s hard to argue against saving the human race and kudos to Brad Wright for making the stakes so high there is never a question that SG1 are doing the right thing.

Oh and Samantha is happily married, yes a guy survives the courtship:)



Jun 122010

Due to an as unknown quirk of Gate travel SG1 step though and find themselves back in the gateroom which vanishes infront of their eyes to reveal the rocket motor of a nuclear missile, they are still in the mountain but now it’s 1969. Aided by George Hammond with hair they escape and seek out the location of the Stargate and if they can get back at a particular time they can return to 1999 and the SGC they remember.

1969 is one of the better episodes of the second season, ranks high up in the whole series to be honest. It’s pure time travel scifi with lots of humour, you’ve got to love hippy SG1. The young Hammond played by Aaron Pearl was flawless both in looks and voice pattern, you really believed that was George as a young lieutenant. Michael and Jenny the hippy couple were excellent giving us the grounding in this world and offered us the emotive aspect of the story. Daniel being German was just priceless though but again continuity with Catherine was flawless.

The montage music was created for this episode by Bruce Turgon formally of Foreigner.


Thanks to Gateworld

Funky fashions