Bruce Woloshyn
Bruce was the Visual Effects Supervisor and a digital artist on Stargate SG1 and Atlantis and also appeared in front of the camera in half a dozen episodes of SG1 and an episode of Atlantis. He has also worked on movies such as Robocop, RED, Twilight Saga, San Andreas and shows such as Millennium, The Outer Limits and First Wave. IMDB
Katie Stuart
Katie played Cassandra in two episodes of Stargate SG1 (Singularity and In The Line of Duty) and has had guest roles on Supernatural, Dead Like Me, The Returned, The L Word, Inconceivable and The 100. IMDB Twitter
Adrien Dorval
Adrien played Borzin in the Stargate SG1 episode Company of Thieves. He has also appeared on The Collector, Battlestar Galactica, Aliens In America, The Dead Zone, Sanctuary, Travelers and Twilight New Moon. IMDB
Richard Beauchamp
Richard was a Langaran soldier in the Stargate Universe episode Seizure and also in The Peace Offering, Level Up!, The Way of the West and Vita Bella: The Dogumentary.
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