Apr 232011

A look into the future of the Earth under a seemingly successful alliance with an advanced culture who helped us to defeat the Goauld and cure the planets and peoples ills. One might say it’s a paradise with life, love and liberty prospering for all but is that just the thin veneer hiding  plans within plans. Well it would be a boring episode if it wasn’t and as we find the Aschen who had been contacted 10 years previously by SG1 are prepared to invest decades nay centuries in a long term plan to conquer a world.

2010 is a slight twist on the usual time travel stories favoured by the franchise as we see the world as it is thanks to one specific and critical event but the results were not expected and that leaves our heroes looking to retroactively change the past to give themselves and everyone else a new future. Of course it’s hard to argue against saving the human race and kudos to Brad Wright for making the stakes so high there is never a question that SG1 are doing the right thing.

Oh and Samantha is happily married, yes a guy survives the courtship:)



Mar 262011

They say the SGC never bring back anything with military application but then Area51 wheel out the X-301 it kinda proves that wrong, the merging of two wrecked Death Gliders along with some human tech has produced a space capable aircraft which can take the fight into orbit.

Of course problems crop up, always the case with any X plane but not normally one where the aircraft is taken over by some rogue code and flys it off into deep space in one of the most advanced anti-theft devices ever seen. Jack and Teal’c go along for the ride and it’s left  pretty much pure to chance that a solution is found and implemented.

Tangent is a visual effects and special effects heavy episode and many may consider two guys stuck in a cockpit to be a rather boring idea but the pacing is good and the antics of the SGC in rescue attempts adds to the suspense even if we know they are good to be saved.

Blue Danube should be playing

