Aug 092014

avatar SG1 sans Vala visit the ancient world of Verus Gen Bree in search of clues towards the weapon Merlin had been developing but they find a deserted settlement with signs that the people died where the slept/fell. Research thanks to some handy journals points to a suspicion that Morgan Le Fay may have poisoned the locals but after the team and the scientists come down with a sickness that leaves them drained and wanting nothing but to sleep the truth is revealed, a parasite is feeding off the human hosts to the point of death. The SGC send stimulants of all manner apart from some of the more exotics but it doesn’t prevent the first death of a SGC member but after the discovery of a secret passage the only creature in the vicinity is discovered which indicates it has a natural immunity and so the hunt is on and the clock is ticking.
Meanwhile Vala has been ordered to undergo some psychological testing and counselling before her acceptance into the SGC can go ahead, she treats it as a simple question and answer exercise and her meetings with Dr Hutchinson does not go well. Richard Woolsey plays her a visit and offers the support of the IOA if she is willing to spy on the SGC for them and for a while it seems she may indeed fall back into her prevailing nature but when pushed too far she lets it all out and that honesty is what tips the balance and she is accepted in the SGC with the added bonus of rubbing Woolsey’s nose in it despite the fact he was testing her loyalty in support of Stargate Command.

Indecent proposal

Indecent proposal

Morpheus us a very atmospheric episode and we’ll see many of the same tricks and style used in an Atlantis episode someway down the road but again it shows how good the set builders/designers and dressers are in when on a budget and time schedule. We got a few notable guest stars in this weeks episode and a return for a couple of them so if you think they looked familiar it was because they were:) Lots of credit to Ben and Christopher for the lizard hunt and that was a mighty fine looking reptile more so than the real prop used for when Teal’c was running back to the surface. Claudia was magnificent in this episode, we got to see the more vulnerable side of Vala and both Robert and Ben Ratner can take credit for giving her the solid performances she could work off of, it was a joy to watch her work more so because we then get treated to her more impish side with her loot comments:)

This is a good solid second episode of the season adding to the arc and setting Vala as a permanent part of the show and it is really a stepping off point for the ORI story to evolve now things are in place.
Thank you everyone for the support of the show this past week, twitter specifically has been very very busy and that’s always fun, feedback and comments always welcome as is any reviews/ratings over on itunes or stitcher. This weeks promo is for the Babylon 5 Project and next week we are back in Pegasus with the Atlantis episode Misbegotten so we hope you can join us for that.



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Jul 262014

avatar The tenth and final season of Stargate SG1 begins with the aftermath of the disaster at the Super Stargate when the four ORI starships entered the Milky Way galaxy and wrecked havoc amongst the combined Earth, Asgard, Lucian Alliance and Jaffa fleets. Daniel finds himself trapped onboard an ORI ship luckily it’s the one with Vala onboard but also her husband and child, yes Adria is here and quickly going through the younger actresses before we eventually get her in her full glory later in the season. As the ORI fleet invade Chulak wiping out the orbital defence it’s Bra’tac who comes up with plan and by plan a last ditch effort to destroy at least one of the ORI after the weakness in their shields proved to be insignificant for a tactical advantage. Thankfully Cameron is looking at the bigger picture although obviously if this was Earth he may have been the one to embark on a suicide mission but many will live to fight another day and maybe just maybe a solution to fighting the power of the ORI channeled into starships and weapons will be found.

Daniel, so tempted no one would know.

Daniel, so tempted no one would know.

Flesh And Blood was an excellent season opener building on the very impressive season nine finale and introducing a genuine focal point for the season to concentrate on, having a character that represented the threat rather than multiple priors makes a lot more sense and of course good writing to take advantage of Claudia’s pregnancy at the end of the last season and exploit it in a good way. Once again Chulak feels the wrath of the bad guys although once you get the reputation of being a seat of rebellion and independence so then any conqueror is going to take notice:) Stunning CGI space battles which are  imaginative and compelling and there is some genuinely creative set design for the ORI ship marrying old and new styles as shown in the living conditions the ORI keep their worshippers in so lots of precedent and kudos to the three young actresses who played Adria in this episode, they all brought something to the part and gave Claudia a lot to work with which we all benefitted from.

Many thanks to Thomas for joining us for the season opener, he will be returning later in the season and thanks to Dan and Elisa for taking the time to send us emails, appreciated to a degree we can not express:)

This weeks promo is for SciFi Diner and next week we begin the third season of Atlantis with the episode “No Man’s Land” which Brad will be joining us for so stick around and don’t forget to let us know what you think of the show and if you have the time an itunes rating/review would be most welcome but more importantly enjoy Stargate and lets all keep the franchise alive and flourishing:)



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Jul 122014

avatar Welcome to our wrap up show for the ninth season of Stargate SG1 which we completed a few weeks ago, this wrap up show just takes a general look at the 20 episodes in that season and we have a little natter about them, Brad does join us part way through but too late to provide is with one of the marathon length shows three of us talking Stargate tends to provide:) We also have the results of the listener poll for the favourite episode from season 9 and we thank everyone who took a second to click on the links and choose their episode and in the spirit of supporting our show and more importantly Stargate check out our presences over on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and G+ and get involved with like minded fans of the show:)



Poll Results…

  1. Ripple Effect   17
  2. Stronghold     8
  3. Beachhead     7
  • Total Votes   64





Jul 062014

So I watched the season 3 finale of Continuum this evening, it was waiting for a week or so as football and other things limited my tv viewing time so imagine the nice surprise when I saw Ty Olsson (Colonel Barnes & Jaffa on SG1) making a guest appearance in the show playing Marcellus a military commander from one of the future timelines. It was also gratifying to see that the episodes was directed by William Waring a name that should be familiar to Stargate fans for his long work operating cameras and directing episodes of the show, this was his sixth time directing Continuum. The episode itself “Last Minute” was a cracking finale and along with the familiar regular and recurring cast who have Stargate in their resume it left us hanging with some plot points resolved and many others left up in the air and just to spice things up a few more unexpected events occurring, hopefully a fourth season will be ordered.

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Jun 282014

avatar2 SG1 continue their search for the weapon mentioned by Merlin when as an Ancient he went against the wishes of his people to search a way to protect not only the Milky Way but the Ancients themselves. Arriving on a world whose address was given within the Mantle they discover a low technology community whose inhabitants call it Camelot and within one dwelling are the hidden treasures of Merlin including a holographic message, database and another Knight created as a guard to protect the knowledge from the unworthy. Daniel manages to access some of the data but has to sacrifice the machine to protect Cameron who is battling one of the Knights and even with another of the fables swords from the stone he is on the verge of failure before Daniel saves the day. The Odyssey takes SG1 to the location of a recently discovered Supergate with Jaffa forces already present standing guard, Teal’c leaves the fleet on a secret mission and Sam comes up with a means to dial the gate to the Ori galaxy to prevent an incoming wormhole but they are too late, the gate activates and four Ori starships arrive and the battle is joined. The Odyssey and the newly minted Russian 304 Korolev along with a number of Jaffa Ha’tak and Asgard ships engage the Ori vessels but the invaders have superior shields and fire power, Sam floating near the gate can only watch in horror as the first battle is easily won by the Ori despite Teal’c bringing 3 more Lucian Alliance Ha’tak to the party.

Guys, you need more ships!

Guys, you need more ships!

Camelot is a fantastic season finale, we get a very good combination of location work at the village known as Camelot and of course John Noble guest starring which was and still is quite an achievement,  Katharine Isabelle also guest stars in the episode and it was a nice idea to have one of the local young women seemingly the strongest and most competent fighter despite tradition giving that role only to the men. It was a pity they didn’t have Valencia fight the Knight rather than just draw the sword from the stone and throw it to Cameron to do the day and then he only survives thanks to Daniel. In a full 180 we then have the other half of the story dealing with the very high tech side of the franchise, lots of very impressive CGI work and full use of the standing Daedalus (redressed) sets and the Gou’ald sets not to mention throwing in an Asgard just to spice things up a but. The battle once joined looks stunning and it is rather disturbing to see how easy the Ori cut through the lines of the defenders and are so strong they can casually leave survivors behind who can then spread the glory of Origin.

Thomas joined us for Camelot the season 9 finale of SG1 and we thank him for spending some of his day off work with us, not always easy arranging a time to bridge the USA, UK and Finland over Skype but we can always get it done and we are rewarding with good conversation, the same applies to our other guest hosts both previous, current and future:) We got some feedback for last weeks Stargate Atlantis episode Inferno over on our G+ and Facebook page as well the always busy Twitter so many thanks for that and touchwood we get to hear your thoughts on Camelot. This weeks promo is for the Resurrection Revealed Podcast which deals with the recently aired ABC series Resurrection a show I only just watched and thoroughly enjoyed and the podcast just added icing. Next week we are going to be discussing the Stargate Atlantis season 2 finale “Allies” and Brad will be joining us for that, we hope you all join us as well.




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Jun 142014

avatar Vala returns to the SGC although only her mind and she takes great delight in occupying Daniels body especially when her first port of call is the mens locker room. Anyhow when Sam realises what is happening and they get to debrief Vala (no not in that way) and she tells them of her appearance in the ORI galaxy in a small village, her friendship and romance with a native of that world and ultimately the bombshell that she is pregnant. If that wasn’t enough to drop on SG1 and the General she then reveals that the ORI ships are ready to go and filled with soldiers ready to fight and die in a religious war against the inhabitants of the Milky Way. Oh and in the meantime the Chinese have made their play for access to the Russian Stargate currently leased to the US.

The Will of the Ori

The Will of the Ori

Crusade marks the return to Stargate for Claudia Black and yes she was heavily pregnant at the time and that worked so well with the story the writers created around her return, the consequences of this story will play out in the tenth season but for now the structure of this episode allows Vala to take center stage without putting too much pressure on Claudia although there was no question that she was giving 100% with the scenes in the village and her acting opposite Tomin played by Tim Guinee. Once again the standing village set is redressed to provide a unique location without requiring huge investment which allows for strong guest actors including Tim as mentioned and of course Michael Ironside who can tick another genre show off his to act in list:)
I really enjoyed Crusade, Claudia was excellent as was Tim and the whole weaving of the Ori story which was basically clips/flashback and exposition was delivered to the viewers in a entertaining and fast paced manner, the threat of the ORI is now really becoming clear and puts pressure on the SGC to handle the local political fall out after the games the Russians were playing and the threat given that the ORI have proved to have weapons tech far in advance than even the Asgard.

Many thanks for the feedback this week and our Facebook, Google+ and Twitter have been very active and lets not forget that we are on a very gratifying number of listener lists over on Stitcher, wouldn’t say no to another itunes review though:)

This weeks promo is for the Sci-Fi Movie Podcast and next week we return to Atlantis for the episode Inferno with our guest Thomas once again joining us for an episode he asked to do a while back, hope you can join us for that and don’t forget we are keen to get more voices on the show, why not get intouch and join in watching and talking about an episode of Stargate SG1 season 10 and Atlantis season 3.



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Jun 112014

The latest Stargate opinionated review from SFDebris is the classic Torment of Tantalus although always felt the title had a very Star Trek feel to it:)


May 312014

avatar While experimenting with a device taken from the caverns beneath Glastonbury a flash of light envelopes Sam and Cameron, minutes later Dr Lee enters the room and totally fails to see the pair of them just standing there and it soon becomes clear by means of this Ancient technology they have been phased out of the plain of existence the rest of the planet exists in. While the search for Sam and Cameron continues the Stargate activates and a garbled message is received along with a strike against the Iris, further investigation indicates it was a message from the Sodan calling for help as they are under attack. Teal’c takes SG12 and they find almost total devastation, it seems every single member of the Sodan have been slaughtered including the non-combatants and many shows strikes against their symbiote pouches. They do find Arkon barely alive grimly hanging on to his life and he tells them that while on a trading mission Volnek met a Prior and a few days after he returned he fell ill and turned into a unstoppable killing machine and wiped out the settlement before searching further afield for the women and children who were sent away. Dr Lee is having the time of his life mucking about with the ancient device which we now know belonged to Merlin and it was used to hide his experiments from the eyes of his people but things take a turn for the worse when Daniel is zapped out of phase and Cameron goes to help Teal’s on the Sodan homeworld. Volnek appears and it’s believed the Ori have used a similar technology that Anubis used to create his super soldiers giving them eternal life and enhanced combat abilities and maybe the only way to kill him will be to literally shred his entire body and that’s what two Claymore mines will be used for. Daniel eventually manages to deactivate Arthur’s Mantle bringing them back into phase but alas that also means Cameron returns to normal at a most inconvenient time but never fear the trap is sprung and Volnek is blown to bits.

Zombies with Guns !

Zombies with Guns !

Arthur’s Mantle combines both humour and drama, no question once Dr Lee is in the mix there is always going to be a lot of fun and with the “brains” of the operation in and out of phase it’s giggles all the way, loved the poking which was done twice and Stargate has never shied away from a little physical fun. It was significant that we also lost the Sodan, obviously they defied the Ori but it seemed short of a planetary strike they were able to hold their own against the local Prior and his plans but one of their own was the key to their downfall. I liked the filtering of the phased scenes, really added to the presentation and while I’m sure Volnek and many of the Sodan could have added more to the final season of Stargate still to come but at least their story got wrapped up.

This weeks promo is for Pulp Audio Weekly and next week we have guests for the Stargate Atlantis episode Michael, hope you join us for that.

We are still looking for guests for Season 10 of SG1 and Season 3 of Atlantis and hand on heart we would love to hear what you think about the episodes we cover, we’re thankful for the regulars who post/tweet but we know Stargate has many more fans and speaking of that how about the news that MGM and Warner have green lit a new reboot trilogy of the original theatrical feature, let us know what you think:)




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May 172014

avatar The IOA demand a visit to the Gamma sight and the Pentagon and SGC agree that SG1 should go along to both protect and encourage a positive experience. On arrival the representatives are shown some of the ongoing experiments including research into a bug which they believe was spread by the Ori to decimate crops and maybe even more on worlds which have not embraced origin. Alas things go badly wrong after the bugs are fed meat loaf and despite containment procedures they get loose and go on a flesh eating rampage forcing SG1 and the IOA people to flee which the base personnel attempt to retake the base but they are unsuccessful and the self destruct is initiated. When communications are lost the Odyssey is sent to the plant with orders to sterilise the bugs and with not way to pick out the humans if indeed any are left with the Asgard sensors thanks to so many lifeforms in a small area SG1 have little hope of surviving even if the bugs do not get them before hand.

Not wearing red but he knows....

Not wearing red but he knows….

The Scourge is a standalone episode and very much in line with the Syfy channels creature feature output infact Robert Picardo has featured in one or two of them but this kinda works and despite links to the ORI arc and the smaller Chinese “hints” of taking over Stargate operations it provides a little light relief albeit with quite a few deaths and the loss of another off world base. The French representative played by Mark Oliver is wonderfully over the top and Tamlyn Tomita as the Chinese rep who is mildly manipulating Daniel does it with some style and humour and surprisingly there is some funny moments in the episode but these sorts of tales should raise a smile. I’m not sure anyone would really like the responsibility of commanding an off world base, they don’t last long and some of the protective measures for the experiments were woefully lacking, the only good side is that they were off world and not being conducted at the SGC, Area 51 or by a civilian partner.

We got to welcome Stephen back to the show for The Scourge, it was an ideal episode for his long awaited return since he hadn’t seen this season and episode for quite a while and since it didn’t rely on extensive knowledge of the story arcs I think it was easy for him and everyone to enjoy it for what it was. We got a nice voice mail from Brad who as always impresses with his comments recorded while on the road and this week it was most welcome since last weeks episode didn’t get much love feedback wise over on Facebook and G+. This weeks promo is for The Rusted Robot Podcast and next week we return to Atlantis for the Genii episode Coup D’etat, hope you can join us for that and we’d love to hear your thoughts on Stargate, our show and if you fancy joining us for an episode that we’ll be starting SG1 S10 and Atlantis S3 shortly.




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May 032014

avatar Various planets around the galaxy are reporting a raising concern of Kassa which is a vegetable currently very popular thanks to it’s inherent addictive properties and the question is asked if this is a naturally occurring resource being exploited by a criminal enterprise or perhaps a round about way for the ORI to disrupt and manipulate populations that are not already within their fold. SG1 go undercover to P6G-452 a known producer of Kassa and in a rather short sighted move Cameron decides to pose as a buyer and attempt to gain the contact information of someone higher up the kassa producing food chain. It goes badly and SG1 has to aggressively retreat to the Stargate which then is beamed away by an unknown third party leaving them to be tortured for information they do not have. General Landry talks to the captured Goa’uld  Nerus who reveals that he had been working on an idea to reprogram stargates to create an independent network that could not be directly accessed via the existing galaxy spanning system, it seems that Ba’al has begun implementing such a system by stealing gates for the new network. The Odyssey is sent to rescue SG1 even though it’s still under going it’s flight trials but they recover the team and thanks to the General tagging Nerus with a tracker within a cupcake they are able to find the location of Ba’al and a mission is launched to recover the gates but they find themselves in the middle of a shooting war between Ba’al’s ship and three Lucian Alliance ships and time is running out.

I think they are surrounded!

I think they are surrounded!

Off The Grid is an action packed adventure for SG1 including gun battles on the planet and yes they get captured although it has to be said you don’t really plan for the Stargate to vanish during your tactical withdrawal. The CGI ship battles in space looked excellent and it’s always been great to see the running fire fights along the corridors of a Ha’tak. The General deserves a lot of credit in this episode, he made the decision to send the Odyssey an unproven ship and manipulated Nerus who isn’t stupid just has quite a large blind spot when it comes to certain aspects of his life. Cliff Simon once again rocks as Ba’al the system lord with all the charm and smoothness the bad guys in any story should have in spaces and of course we know that seeing him die really isn’t the end of his tale.

Many thanks to Brad for joining us for this episode and thanks to everyone who posted feedback over on our Facebook, Google+ and Twitter feeds. This weeks promo of for The Anomaly Podcast and next week we return to Atlantis for the episode The Long Goodbye and don’t forget to vote in the favourite episode polls, the time frame has been extended.




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Apr 192014

avatar2 Ethon and the demise of the Prometheus thanks to the arrogance of Stargate command and their primary front line unit. When Jared Kane contacts Daniel and asks for help things begin to get complicated unfortunately the SGC can’t seem to see the pitfalls and despite the Ori having a strong presence on Tegalus via an satellite weapons system they decide to take the Prometheus, destroy the satellite and level the playing field between the rival and deadly enemies that are Rand and Caledonia. Daniel returns with Jared to open diplomatic talks but they are taken prisoner so when the cavalry arrives and find Daniel prisoner they pause which allows the satellite to fully activate and deploy it’s defence shields which were not present on the blue prints they had seen. The attack fails and the Caledonians retaliate causing severe damage to the Prometheus and with no way to convince the leaders then Earth and Jared are not acting in conjunction with Rand the Prometheus is destroyed with only a fraction of her crew able to beam down to the planet. When the smoke clears it becomes clear that Rand is only a heart beat away from being destroyed but Sam comes up with a plan to knock out the defence center which would give Cameron and Teal’c time to attack the satellite but when the EMP shuts down the defence center Daniel jumps in offering a diplomatic compromise which is agreed upon. It shouldn’t but does come as a shock when the Caledonian president spouting Ori dogma orders the attack to recommence causing the military leader to draw his weapon and in the confusion the president dies and the seriously wounded Commander calls the attack off.

Blaze of Glory

Blaze of Glory

Well wasn’t this a major milestone in Stargate, the loss of the Prometheus is a game changer in many ways but the reason lies just as much in raising the stakes of the ORI threat as to sound economic production requirements as having two standing sets for the two types of battle cruiser is not cost effective. The writers and producers intend to make more use of the Daedalus class of cruiser starting with the new Odyssey and giving the Prometheus a farewell in battle  serves to honour her and indeed her commander who stand on the bridge making sure as many of his people got to safety as possible. It was good to see Jared Kane again making the most of the continuity and weaving in the death of his wife who had a small but significant relationship with Daniel, the guest stars John Aylward and Ernie Hudson were stellar, both of them filled the screens and worked so well together.

Many thanks for the feedback for last weeks Grace Under Pressure via the chat over on our Facebook group and a voicemail from Brad, he also revised his homage to the Prometheus which you can listen to via the link a little further down the page. This weeks promo is for Tuning Into Scifi TV and next week we are going to be doing the Atlantis episode The Tower so we hope you join us for that but until then enjoy Ethon and please let us know what you think about our show and Stargate in all it’s glory.



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Apr 122014

avatar2 In Grace Under Pressure McKay along with Captain Griffen test fly a recently repaired puddle jumper when an engine malfunctions causing them to crash into the ocean between Atlantis and the mainland. The jumper quickly sinks and soon it’s transponder signal is lost to the scanners in the city and as they sink deeper the integrity of the ship itself is put to the test. Ultimately the damaged screen shatters and take the heroic Griffen to his death leaving McKay trapped in the rear compartment desperate to find a solution to the dilemma of limited power and life support and little chance of being located by his friends. It’s not long before the head wound and conditions have McKay hallucinating but in a twist he envisions one Samantha Carter who points out is the one person smarter than he is and coupled with his attraction to her perhaps understandable why his mind when down that path.

It's me baby!

It’s me baby!

Meanwhile back at the city John and company are devising a rescue plan based on some grappling hardware and the belief the jumpers were always intended to double up as submersibles. However Zelenka and his people have to jump through hoops to try and calculate a approximate position for the search to focus on but eventually John and Radek fly to the rescue and do a passable Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea impersonation but with clocking shields being used as physical shields the opposite of when the city re-tasked it’s shielding systems. Mckay continues to have lively discourse with his version of Sam and soon comes to understand decisions she is making are those of his own logical mind trying to keep him alive but eventually the jumper is almost flooded and hang on is John’s voice an hallucination and if he opens the rear hatch will he drown but does he have a choice?

Grace Under Pressure is in many ways a bottle show despite money being spent on bringing in Amanda and the use of the large waters tanks to simulate ocean conditions, it is perhaps to the credit of all involved such a complex story was told and told well. Yes we’ve seen the lone survivor having to deal with a crisis before on SG1 and the threat of drowning in a downed spaceship again SG1 but this take on those core elements works very well. David is one of the few television actors who could pull off such intensity and claustrophobic story both with humour and drama as and when required.

I want to thank Philip for joining me for the show, it took some organising but the recording went by without a hitch, he has recorded with me before on the episode Trio (an experiment) which again went well and will probably be used as our take on that episode of Atlantis. Big thanks to Misa and Dan for the feedback and a nod to Brad for the recordings which will be used in later shows but for now that’s this show wrapped up and as always we want to hear from you and if you can a review/rating on itunes would be most appreciated.  This weeks featured promo is for The Book Cave Podcast a show covering mainly pulp publications (books, magazines and comics) with author interviews and next week we are going to be looking at the SG1 episode Ethon.



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Apr 052014

avatar2 Cameron is visiting an old friend who has a terminal condition, his friend Major Bryce Ferguson has been digging into the exploits of Cameron since their careers diverged and is very close to realising what Cameron has been up to since the battle over the Antarctic. The Jaffa high council is close to ratifying the move to a democratic system of government but some last minute changes of opinion by key pro-democracy supporters throws the plans of Bra’tac and Teal’c into chaos. They know that something is wrong and along with Daniel investigate those that have altered their votes and then Teal’c goes missing but Jaffa honour and integrity can not be as easily overcome as a simple change of opinion. Cameron racked with guilt over the accident which led to Bryce’s condition swings it so he can let Bryce live his memories of recent events thanks to the memory technology recently acquired from Galaran and bidding a goodbye Cameron joins the mission to rescue Teal’c from an old adversary.

A quiet moment.

A quiet moment.

Stronghold has two very definite story lines which in the best tradition overlap more and more as the episode moves on, it was interesting to see that Cameron while getting the reward of being assigned to the SGC believes his friend would be in his place if things had gone differently. The ongoing political games going on at the sharp point of Jaffa government is something you would think they would not be prepared for but the seem to have picked up the back stabbing and power plays in the manner of the best of human politicians. Of course this particular turn of events is the doing of an outside force using Tok’ra technology and as always Ba’al does a bang up job of setting things into motion but thankfully for the Jaffa and the SGC the endgame fails in spectacular fashion. I have to say that the fire fight is an excellent example of a television budget battle sequence and again Stargate benefits from using practical effects where ever possible, CGI bullets and muzzle flashes still ruin scenes, you can’t be real blanks and pyrotechnics. When all is said and done it’s perhaps the simple discussion between Teal’c and Cameron that the episode will be remembered for, despite Cameron feeling he deserves nothing and that the job is the job we see that integrity and the desire to do the right thing no matter the consequences is the only way to live a life.

We got some nice feedback via Facebook and Google+ along with the usual ongoing chatter on Twitter, many thanks for all of that and continued support via retweets and other postings. This weeks promo is for the Star Trek podcast Two To Beam Up and next week we return to Atlantis for the episode Grace Under Pressure and the first appearance of a new guest host. We’d love to hear from you about anything to do with Gatecast and more importantly Stargate and we’d appreciate any reviews/ratings you care to give us so keep watching the show and listening to us blabber on about it:)



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Mar 292014

avatar2 Intelligence is provided to the SGC that a explosive device has been placed on Atlantis by members of the Trust who have been infiltrated by remnants of the System Lords. The bomb is believed to be triggered by dialling the Earth address and the next scheduled contact is within hours, Dr Lee comes up with a solution to use a far long SG unit to pass on a message to the Daedalus who can then contact Atlantis without using the gate. Safe for the moment Atlantis breaths in but the secondary protocol is activated and a distress signal is sent out and noticed by two Wraith cruisers but more problems arise with the key to the destruction of the city lies with the ZPM which is needed to power the cloak to hide the city from the soon to arrive Wraith. The secondary story is Teyla themed, her friend and mentor the ancient Charin is dying and is worthy of an age of ceremony which is going to take place regardless of the threat of the bomb and the Wraith. Lets not forget Zelenka who was volunteered by McKay to visit M7G-677 the world populated by children, even the bomb threat wouldn’t have made that job any more appealing.

Cadman has Rodney whipped!

Cadman has Rodney whipped!

Critical Mass is good episode making full use of the benefits of a crossover in characters and standing sets, we get drama and humour from the SG1 side merged very well with the ongoing Atlantis dynamic including the return of a number of characters to have played well to the story and fans in earlier episodes. The threat to Atlantis was a little complex but no question it was clever but you do wonder if those behind the implementation were being painted as too clever, this level of complexity and intelligence didn’t really blend well with what we’ve known of the Goa’uld. That aside the musical and creative aspect of the story was a breath of fresh air and overlaid the more intense and dramatic bomb elements and of course lots of humour despite the circumstances.

A big gold star to Brad for his voice mail and homage to the Prometheus and Ethon and also for joining us this week, it’s always appreciated and thanks to everyone else especially Facebook contributors for the feedback. Love to hear any thing about Stargate and Gatecast via the usual portals so feel free to chat with us and if you have a minute a rating/review on itunes or stitcher would be most welcome. This weeks promo is for The Dune Saga Podcast which is taking a in-depth but entertaining look at the books within the Dune franchise both old and new and next week we are at the SGC with the episode Stronghold, hope you can join us for that.



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Mar 222014

avatar2 SG1 return to the SGC unexpectedly but during their debriefing some of their knowledge of events is out of sync with what we know and then the gate is activated and another SG1 returns. Confusion is the order of the day until it dawns on the General that the first SG1 are not really “his” unit but the same people from another reality, this is made clear when more SG1 units begin to turn up a few with team members who have long since died in this reality.
Multiple Samantha Carters come up with a potential solution and our SG1 along with the first unit head out on the Prometheus towards the black hole they believe is at the root of the problems. Then the fun begins…

Face Off !

Face Off !

Ripple Effect was intended to be a bottle show making use of all the existing standing sets with limited expense on outside talent, as it turned out having Teryl and JR reprise their roles couldn’t have been cheap and there is no getting around the complexities of body doubles, split screen and the rapidly progressing motion control camera techniques for having multiple versions of the same character on screen at the same time. As it’s been said the story may have been sacrificed to the altar of technical achievement but if you believe that is the case then maybe the guest stars and yes the production quality more than makes up for it, this time. I’ll admit seeing Janet and Martouf again put a great big smile on my face and having the variants of SG1 using a lot of the older costumes and props were well worth the admission price. I’m not sold on Cameron in his undies but the dressed in black “bad” SG1 were fun and at the end of the day they were
doing pretty much exactly what any SG1 would do if their Earth was in danger.

Thank you to everyone that tweeted and posted on Facebook and Google+ over the last week, Epiphany didn’t set the groups on fire but no question that MALP on a Stick was well received. Kudos to Brad for once again recording a voicemail while on the road, always appreciated as is any feedback in any form especially ratings and reviews over on itunes and Stitcher. This weeks promo is for The Sci-Fi Movie podcast and next week we return to Atlantis for the episode Critical Mass.



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