Nov 212015

avatar Ronon and Teyla are off world when they come across a body in the woods, as they approach hidden traps are sprung and in the chaos they are both stunned, Teyla is left and Ronon abducted by an old friend who as is the norm came back to bite him. The tracker Ronon carries is not active so the suggestion is made to contact Solen Sincha another Satedan who may have some information on Tyre the man who kidnapped Ronon. They learn that his Wraith masters have abandoned him and maybe by giving them Ronon a former runner he will regain their favour and this is exactly what is happening. Ronon is given to the Wraith who begins the torture procedure in the effort to get Ronon addicted to the surge of life energy after they kill him, they succeed and Ronon pledges his loyalty to the Wraith. Information arrives about a Wraith lab on the planet Sarif Sur so Tyre and the team mount a raid but they are captured and it seems Tyre has betrayed them but it’s a ruse and when he gets the opportunity he breaks John, Teyla and Rodney out and the battle commences. The Wraith is captured and when threatened with the explosives planted earlier he agrees to release them when Tyre says he will stay behind and hand over the detonator when the team are free, however Tyre redeems his honour by destroying the lab and saving his friend Ronon who still has a long road ahead to purge his system of the enzyme and reverse the mental conditioning.

Broken Ties (5)

Broken Ties is an episode which quickly brings the talents of Mark Dacascos back to Stargate, an accomplished and well trained fighter he is more than capable of holding his own acting wise and bringing a level of reality to a staged action sequence, nothing quite beats being able to use the primary actor for the majority of a stunt. While the dynamic between Ronon and Tyre was certainly the focal point and allowed Jason to dig deep into his own talents to bring to the screen another facet of Ronon we also got the dilemma Teyla was having to deal with being a new mother want to remain at her childs side but having the drive to be the guardian for all. In an episode that had some strong themes it’s surprising we got the usual amount of comedic elements scattered throughout the episode, Woolsey is the major foil for such things as his character settles into the group dynamic and if you need that extra giggle then Rodney in a bubble bath serves it’s purpose.

We want to thank Tim for joining us for this episode, he replied to a tweet on the night of recording so we invited him to join us and he said yes so everything worked out great. You can hear Tim on Partial Nerdity and Unchartered Territories two podcasts that I listen too on a weekly basis. We also would like to thank everyone that has voted in the poll which at the time I write this is 94 people, if we get over 100 giving us their Stargate SG1 top ten episodes we’ll throw in another prize for the draw with our thanks. This weeks promo is for British Invaders a podcast that looks at old UK television shows with a scifi/fantasy/genre leaning and next week we are going to be taking a look at The Daedalus Variations with Thomas, we hope you can join us for that.



Stargate SG1 Poll…


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Oct 032015

avatar2 Teyla returns from Earth after an interview with a new IOA rep Mr James Coolidge, Ronon is facing the same and he seems calm about it but Sam is having doubts and recruits Teal’c to Atlantis to offer some insight and his experience to Ronon, however Ronon is in no mood to be tutored on dealing with the IOA on Earth and after drawing his weapon on Teal’c the two retire to the gym for some hand to hand diplomacy. After about an hour of the two beating the crap out of each other Sam breaks the fight up and the two get ready to travel to Earth via the intergalactic gate bridge with a 24 hour stop off at Midway station. Unbeknown to them a Wraith cruiser has landed on a planet which hosts one of the Stargates used in the bridge and hacked into the system (perhaps with knowledge gleaned from Todd’s time in the city) and a force of warriors gate to Midway and brutally take it over. Dr Lee and two other SGC personnel (Dr Kavanagh is one) prevent the immediate travel onto Earth which allows Ronon and Teal’c to do what they are best at but eventually the Earth gate is accessed and a device sent through followed by more warriors, Ronon and Teal’c pursue.


John and his team access the bridge via a Stargate that is further into the system than the compromised one and bring the fight to Midway and eventually kill all but one of the Wraith after venting the atmosphere, John is trapped and dying but has to fight off the final Wraith while the rest of the SGC personnel abandon Midway in a jumper, it wouldn’t be Stargate if a new toy doesn’t get blown up within a few episodes. This time it’s the fault of Kavanagh who had tried to override the lockout and tipped a booby trap one Rodney had carefully avoided so boom Midway is no more and the survivors are adrift for a week waiting patiently for rescue.

Midway is a top notch action based episode, the armours, stuntman and cgi specialists really went to town and produced some excellent close quarter combat set pieces, praise to Christopher and Jason for doing some fantastic work as well and of course Bill and Ben (yeah I know) for their banter. I’ve got to offer my thanks to Brad for joining me on the podcast as Alan was in the middle of his move and of course a tip of the hat to Bill for his itunes review. Speaking of which we’d love a few more so don’t be shy, if you listen via itunes then rate the show and gives us a review, we would be very appreciative. This weeks promo is for The Starling Tribune the podcast I listen to for all me Arrow chat and information and next week we are going to be looking at the Atlantis episode The Kindred Part 1.




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Jun 272015

avatar Ronon and Telya visit a small village after reports of three people who are reputed to be very efficient Wraith killers, it turns out they are all Satedans and as luck would have it friends of Ronon to boot. As you would expect Ronon is eager to have them return to Atlantis but it’s new commander Colonel Samantha Carter denies his request based on security concerns but a compromise is made when a plan is needed to infiltrate a Wraith science lab where experiments on breaking the Asuran (Replicator) code are being undertaken. Atlantis supplies a jumper and a team and together with the three Satedans they raid the complex but things soon go wrong and only Ronon escapes and we Rodney discovers that the three Satedans (Tyre, Ara and Rakai)  have betrayed them are working with the Wraith.

Reunion (25)

Ronon along with some support return to the Wraith complex and he goes in search of his friends while the Atlantis personnel free the prisoners, they both learn of the betrayal and Ronon is shocked that after billions of his people died there were soldiers who took the silver coin of the Wraith and as emotions run high an epic three on one fight breaks out, then a knife is drawn and moments later two are dead with Ronon bruised and bloodied left standing as his true friends find him and they all go home only to find that Rodney has happily helped himself to an item Ronon left behind.

Reunion is a solid episode and continues the tradition of having the third episode in a season Ronon centric despite this being the first official episode broadcast that has Amanda Tapping bringing Sam Carter to take command of Atlantis. We’ve also seen other Satedans and truth be told when you add these three it has to be said those that survived (apart from Ronon) were not great examples of the compassion, integrity and courage we’ve seen from the big man. It was also good to see Jason get some good emotive dialogue delivered with gentleness, irritation and aggression when required. Lots of credit has to go to the casting department for the three guest stars who all brought something to their roles, they were all exceptional with Mark (Trye) bringing his stunt/fighting skills to the role and yes a tip of the hat to the director and camera operators for hiding Rachel’s baby bump and stuntwomen who allowed Kyra (Ara) to fight well as she was early into her pregnancy as well.
Overall a solid early season episode, lots of action and some great stunt work and background story padding coupled with the fresh start that Carter brings to the show.

Thank you to Brad for joining me this week (Alan was on hiatus again) and thanks to Ian for the five star UK itunes review, both of you are totally appreciated:)
This weeks promo is for Voices Of Defiance podcast which has returned and is taking a good look at the third season of Defiance currently airing globally on Syfy and its sister channels. Next week Alan returns and we are going to be taking a look at the fourth episode in the season “Doppelganger”, we hope you can join us for that and feel free to get in touch and let us know what you think of the show.




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Sep 132014

avatar There they were just minding their own business walking into a settlement when the blow darts and crossbows are whipped out and suddenly the team are under fire with McKay getting shot in the arse which I guess everyone watching had a good laugh at but Ronon realises he has been to this community before and it didn’t go well and while Mckay does manage to reach the gate and escape the rest are taken prisoner with the intent to trade Ronon the “runner” back to the Wraith. It turns out the village was hit by the Wraith hunters when they came looking for Ronon and the chiefs daughter was fed upon as well as quite a few other people and the survivors were told to call the Wraith using a device if Ronon returned and they have so the clock it ticking. Ronon threatens to kill himself if they don’t release John and Teyla so they do and Ronon is taken once again by the Wraith but alas the settlement is wiped out but never mind at least the Wraith are predictable, they implant another tracking device in Ronon and Carson/Mckay are able to track it back to Sateda which was Ronon’s home world. The Wraith hunt Ronon in the ruins of the capital city of the planet after destroying the Stargate and Ronon puts up a great fight but help finally arrives and together they kill the Wraith forcing their leader to the planet where well you’ve just got to watch the episode:)

Right where I want you!

Right where I want you!

Sateda was one of the most expensive episodes produced upto that point and you can see why, there is awful lot of location work and guest stars/extras plus a wide range of filming techniques coupled with practical and CGI effects not to mention time consuming stunt work. Rob C Cooper in his second directorial outing really lets loose with his creative impulses and pretty much everything worked, there is plenty of humour, action and drama and the episode does look fantastic. We get a lot more of the Ronon back story which fills in a lot of the details from previous episodes where his story has been important and for Jason himself this allowed him to real do some serious acting and truth be told with his physicality to really show how powerful a physical performance he can deliver.

Many thanks to Brad for joining us this week and the featured promo is for the podcast Resurrection Revealed and the show Resurrection returns to US television later this month. Next week is the Stargate SG1 episode “Uninvited” and we will be joined for that by Jeff, tune in and please let us know what you think both good and bad.



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Oct 052013

avatar Major Lorne and Dr Parrish are investigating a high solar radiation world and come across the body of a Wraith with it’s gland removed, believing they are finally getting close to finding Ford teams go to the world and begin a search hoping they can reason with Ford and not take decisive and fatale action to protect the city and expedition. However there is another man on the planet, a Runner who was first captured and then released by the Wraith to provide sport or maybe to fine tune their skills on the ground, either way he complicates the mission after taking John and Teyla prisoner.

It turns out Ronon Dex is seeking information on who these people are and their relation to Ford who had shot him earlier and also as it happened saved him from a Wraith and as all the parties involve dance around each other the Wraith darts turn up and once again Ford is lost to his former family but maybe they’ve found someone else with more of a stake in taking on the scourge that is the Wraith.

Industrial grooming required

Industrial grooming required

Runner written by Rob C Cooper is a rip roaring action piece set on this very alien looking world, ok the trees are still trees but it seems alien with the filters they use to colourised and saturate the look of the HD filming. The introduction of Ronon Dex played by Jason Momoa is done very well and over laps with Fords appearance with real style, also good to see Major Lorne move over from SG1 to Atlantis and the first visit to the show by Jonathon Young a respected character actor who went on to a recurring role on Sanctuary.

A little help?

A little help?

We didn’t get a lot of feedback for last weeks episode or the first week of the 200th episode competition but thank you to everyone who took the time to get in touch, always appreciated. This weeks promo is from Aaron’s Scifi Dig podcast and next week we welcome Alan back for the SG1 episode The Ties That Bind. We would love to hear any thoughts on that episode and any other and of course we want lots of entries for the competition so listen to the clues and figure out the answer and then drop us an email. We have a couple of signed Cliff Simon CD’s and we are gonna throw in some gift certificates, unoriginal I know but useful to let prize winners choose their own goodies:)


