Jan 262015

I’ve started the second season of Eureka and yes I’ve finally got the blu-ray boxset down off the shelf and enjoying this quirky and funny piece of scifi adventure. I watched the first season over the recent holidays and just watched three episodes of the second season this evening and apart from some of the regular and recurring cast members who have guest starred on Stargate there were three more that had meaty guest roles and are worth mentioning. So in the episode Try, Try Again (S2E2) we had Barclay Hope (SG1) playing General Mansfield and Vincent Gale (SG1 & SGU) playing Dr Todd and in Unpredictable (S2E3) David Nykl (SG1 & SGA) was Dr. Steven Whiticus and Patrick Gilmore (SG1, SGA & SGU) was Pete Puhlman. 

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Feb 092014

I watched the latest episode of Psych this afternoon entitled “Cog Blocked” and it featured two former Stargate actors and a well known name from behind the camera of many a Stargate episode. This season eight episode was directed by Brad Turner who directed 14 episodes of SG1 and SGA before making a bigger splash with 24 and numerous television shows since then. The episode also featured Vincent Gale as Mr Grouse and Aleks Paunovic as the bartender both speaking roles and each making a significant contribution to the whole. We also got a brief appearance from Luvia Petersen who I wish had been on Stargate but well we couldn’t have everything:)

Psych Official Site


Aleks played Rakai on Stargate Atlantis and Shaq’rel on SG1


Vincent played Morrison on Stargate Universe