Aug 162014

avatar2 After the battle against the Wraith Hive ships the survivors onboard the captured hive return to Atlantis and well it’s a bit of a surprise for those still in the city, then the complications arise when once again they choose to maintain the use of the retrovirus on Michael and the other Wraith who now exist in human form. An off world camp is created and thanks to their loss of memory the Wraith are told they are victims of a plague and are being quarantined for both their own good and their friends and families. Carson hopes to not only stablise the retrovirus but worse case get them to maintain the dosage of the drug themselves so they can live and not threaten any native born humans. Guess what, it doesn’t quite go according to plan and why should it, the course of action has failed before and is fundamentally wrong showing an arrogance that even the Ancients no strangers to hubris would be impressed with.

One of us dyes their hair.

One of us dyes their hair.

Misbegotten is a necessary episode in the story of the retrovirus and the beginning of the galactic threat which is Michael, come on who here actually think he died when they opened up on the planet from orbit. The episode overall isn’t that great but it has it’s moments most of which revolve around Michael once again played by Connor Trinneer although he takes a step back once on the planet showing his capability to be the master mind and lets others act and draw attention to themselves. We also get to see Christopher Heyerdahl in his Wraith makeup, surprising but maybe this was the impetus for Todd and there was some excellent acting and dialogue between Caldwell and Woolsey, two great genre actors doing their thing.

Many thanks to Jeff for joining us for Misbegotten and he will be back for more episodes in the near future, next week we’ll be joined by Brad for the SG1 episode The Pegasus Project which had issues thanks to Skype which is a shame since it’s a cracking episode. This weeks promo is for the Saturday B Movie Reel and thanks for the feedback on our Facebook and Google+ groups and as always lots of Stargate love on Twitter.



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Aug 022014

avatar Well here we are for the premiere episode of the third season of Stargate Atlantis No Man’s Land and we pick up after the two Wraith Hive ships double crossed the rather short sighted humans and set sail towards the Milky Way with the navigation data and specs on an upgraded hyperdrive, oh they also have McKay and Ronon just in case they get peckish on the trip. Meanwhile Weir is ordered back to Earth to face the consequences of her actions as once again the IOA flex their muscles after the fact but thankfully she has allies in the General and to a lesser degree Woolsey himself. The Daedalus and Orion are ordered to intercept the hive ships despite both being well under par but with Earth as the target there is no other option and the chase is on. As the battle is joined the Daedalus fires all it’s nukes and even though one gets through the Hive survives but as Major Lorne commanding the Orion engages he has to sacrifice his ships shield to route power to it’s drones but is successful is taking the hive down leaving the Daedalus to take on the remaining Hive with an epic stalemate the result but there is one last role of the dice.

Way to make an entrance

Way to make an entrance

No Man’s Land is a gem of a season opener, we just straight back into the drama of McKay and Ronon stuck on the hive but with the brains and brawn that won’t last too long and of course it helps Michael is helping John who managed to get a ride on the Hive when it entered hyperspace, it was a good choice to have his fighter damaged even though in reality he should be space dust but at least we get plenty of fun and games as the four of them are running around the hive ship avoiding some very upset Wraith. The orders to Caldwell and Lorne were epic, they had to engage the hives no matter what the consequences and the visual effects studios did the show proud with some stunning space combat and some even better set piece more refined slower moving shots, the spinning view of the Daedalus and the galactic background is to die for. Meanwhile we get more Woolsey and the IOA but that gives us a fantastic scene with General Landry and Elizabeth which once again shows she can act alongside anyone and has been criminally wasted on the show.

So the decision to use the retrovirus once again, granted not much option as life support on the Daedalus has failed but the consequences will be far reaching and maybe with mixed results for the this and the following seasons.
Many thanks to Brad for joining us even though he was tight on free time and thanks to **ECM** for the excellent five star review over on the US itunes site. Thanks for the discussion over on the Facebook group, chat over on our G+ page and as always the constant banter on twitter which concentrates on Stargate but can cover so many topics in and out of genre. This weeks promo is for Nutty Bites and next week we are back with SG1 for the episode Morpheus so we hope you join us for that and please feel free to get in touch, we would love to hear from you about any aspect of our show and more importantly Stargate:)



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Jun 072014

avatar Lt. Michael Kenmore awakes not knowing who he is or how he came to be but is constantly reassured by Teyla and other Atlantis personnel that he was a member of  a unit attacked by the Wraith and was taken prisoner, upon rescue he was treated but is now suffering from amnesia. As he recovers in body and mind everyone treats him well with the exception of Ronon who is openly aggressive but Michael is unaware of anything he has to done to cause such behaviour and his curiosity is peaked. After suffering from a couple of nightmares Michael goes to the infirmary and as Carson sleeps he discovers the “kenmore” calendar and DVD records with his name on, on playback they show nearly two weeks of surveillance and Michael himself strapped to a bed ultimately screaming defiance as it’s revealed as the days go back to be a Wraith! Despite this revelation and learning of the retro virus he remains reasonably calm but eventually snaps after being confronted once again by Ronon and a minor war breaks out and a guard is killed, Michael is captured and taken to an off world base but uses his mind powers on Teyla and together they escape through the Stargate to a Wraith world but they are now being tracked by fellow Wraith with John and Ronon not far behind.

Quiet Contemplation

Quiet Contemplation

Michael is the opening episode to a long running if not overly used arc (for now) dealing with the consequences of using the retro-virus, yes the one that caused so many problems last time and you have to ask yourself if this is sort of some “ethically” acceptable method of genocide because when you get down to it the Wraith as they developed are going to be wiped from the face of the Pegasus galaxy. If you want to put it more simply then the very basis of this plan is awash with deceit and deception and from that would anything really good come to fruition? Now for the plus points, fantastic to see Conner Trinneer fresh from his four years on Enterprise returning to the scifi genre and handling a well written role and as we know a lot more to come but the challenge of more prosthetics is ahead, Rachel also got to push her character as well with some well written scenes between Teyla and Michael again a dynamic which they will exploit over the rest of the show. We had a couple of guests this week, given Conner was joining Atlantis we got Adam and Paul from the Star Trek Enterprise podcast Previously in The Alpha Quadrant to join us for the episode and we think a good time was had by all, let us know what you think and pay a visit to PITAQ and it’s host network Trekmate.

This weeks promo is for the Star Trek podcast Two to beam Up which is looking at the original series and next week we are going to be watching the Stargate SG1 episode Crusade and we will be joined by Thomas.




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