Sep 212014

Great to see Garwin Sanford make his first appearance on Cedar Cove in the season 2 episode Secrets and Lies, he plays the shady Colin who it seems has or had a very close relationship with one or two of the townsfolk and another guest spot for Mike Dopud who returns as the private eye Roy Macafee.

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Dec 022013

I tell ya the guy still looks good even under all the aging makeup, maybe he’s not going to sweep the likes of Sam Carter off her feet but Garwin Sanford as the King in the Once Upon A Time In Wonderland episode “Heart of Stone” struck a very regal pose:) We know Garwin better from his time on both Stargate SG1 and Atlantis as a bit of a love interest for both Amanda’s and Torri’s characters.

He also recently starred in the “b” movie Independence Daysaster which was wonderfully bad in the good way:)

Garwin’s IMDB

Gateworld Interview

ABC’s Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
