A very happy birthday to Kavan J Smith for Sunday 6th May.
Kavan has guest starred and had recurring roles on numerous scifi genre shows and tv/dvd movies, he always delivers a fun performance and right now is one of the great characters on Eureka. He also comes across as both a guy you would be very happy to drink with but also to keep away from your sister or even gf/missus, he’s too good looking by half.
Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis: Major Evan Lorne
Eureka: Deputy/Sheriff Andy
BSG: Lt. Richard ‘Buster’ Bayer
Sanctuary: Joe Kavanaugh/Cavanaugh
The 4400: Jed Garrity
Also on the 6th Carlos Lauchu who played Anubis in the Stargate theatrical movie celebrates his birthday.