Aug 092012

A Very Happy Birthday to the scrumptious Rhona Mitra who played Kiva the Lucian Alliance Commander in Stargate Universe. She has also appeared in Nip/Tuck (very sexy), The Gates (Great Vampire) and Boston Legal (deadly and gorgeous) as well as one of the many models who took on the Lara Croft guise for the Tomb Raider games promotional band wagon. IMDB








Also today James Lafazanos celebrates his birth, he has played a   number of Wraith characters on Stargate Atlantis as well as appearing in Covert Affairs, BSG and Sanctuary.  IMDB –  Interview

Last but not least Marya Delver who played “Layale” in the SG1 episode Past And Present celebrates her birth, her most recent work has been on the excellent series “Son of Anarchy”.  IMDB


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