Jul 282012

 A decimated Jaffa contingent is discovered and the carnage indicates an enemy new to the SGC, Tealc and Bratac are then surprised by a “super soldier” clad in energy damning armour and equipped with heavy weaponry, lucky for them it’s already been pushed during the initial battle and can not maintain it’s own life force under another round of combat. Investigation into the creature indicates a next generation approach to the technology which underpins the Sarcopheagus which in turn indicates Anubis is taking steps to free himself of the reliance on Jaffa to be his army and their increasing rebellious nature.

Clean up on aisle 3…

Evolution Part 1 is the first of a mid-season two parter in which Anubis and the super soldier play a major part occuping Sam, Jack and Teal’c while Daniel and Dr Lee have adventure south of the border dealing with the consequences of tracking down the remnants of a former Goa’uld who ruled over the long gone Mayan culture and who may have been the genesis of the foutain of youth myth. Two very good stories the first with some excellent action sequences and the second far more dramtic and tense, a good combination if done correctly and while giving nothing away it’s kept up in the next episode. It’s great to see Dr Lee getting out and about again as he provides both humour and competnence in one package, not unusual in Stargate scientists but it is reserved more for regular cast members.

Shades of Grey?

The conlusion to the episode mixes the cliffhanger styles giving us two for the price of one and again that pays off, if the assault on the homeworld of the super soldiers doesn’t get you going then Jack reverting to his earlier career and going to the rescue of Daniel should do the trick. We had some feedback this week from Colin and Michael, much appreciated as always and lots of chat on the Facebook page and some action over on G+ and Twitter. The promo this week is from the Flash Pulp Podcast and next week no surprise we will be covering Evolution II.



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