Jan 292014

Robert Knepper had a great role in the recent episode of Hawaii Five-0 which aired on the 17th entitled “Hana Lokomaika’i” and played an internal affairs investigator working on a case involving Kelly. While from this episode it looks like he is playing a by the book IA officer he still makes you dislike the character which for me is a credit to his performance:)

Robert played Simeon in Stargate Universe and yes he was a bad guy, he also starred in the final season of Heroes as yes another bad guy and of course he was in Prison Break as a very bad guy. Cult, Blacklist, Arrow the list goes on and on and not forgetting he’ll feature in the final two movies of the Hunger Games franchise.


May 182013

Julie McNiven (Stargate Universe) talks to Geek Speak about her work in and out of genre telly.