Now some of you may know I am a fan of the “b” movie genre especially the creature features from one or two particular studios who have perfected the art of producing movies with modest budgets yet can be very entertaining if you understanding why they exist:)
I watched Age of Dinosaurs a couple of days ago which is a creature feature with very strong vibes of Jurassic Park in that a very wealthy individual backs some science guys who perfect a method to re-introducing dinosaurs into the modern world which as you no doubt already suspect blows up in their faces.
The plus point for this movie was the starring roll for our own Ronny Cox as Justin the man behind the dream of dinosaurs and truth be told the technology his company pioneered had many practical and beneficial users. Alas creating dinosaurs and then having a grand opening in his corporate HQ in LA was not a great idea cue rampant carnage and humans running around like mindless chickens with a father and daughter learning a life lesson so always a silver lining.

What is it about the finger?

Still bullying the ladies..

No pets at work!
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