Apr 262015

Of course we watch Once Upon A Time and while I don’t think the current story arc holds a candle to what has been presented in the past come on who doesn’t like dalmatians? Anyhow in the episode “Sympathy for the De Vil” we get some of the back story for Cruella and her mother Madeline is played by Anna Galvin who graced Stargate SG1 in the episode Collateral Damage and then she was in the Atlantis episode Remnants and finally four episodes of Universe playing Mrs Armstrong.

Anna Galvin IMDB

Once Upon A Time IMDB & Official

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Nov 032014

I’ve just watched the fourth episode of the fourth season of Once Upon A Time called “The Apprentice” which weaves in the sorcerer, the hat and the broom but as of yet no Mickey Mouse (that’s a good thing) and I was convinced that the title character was not Timothy Webber but actually Matthew Walker who we’ve seen playing Merlin in Stargate SG1. Google helped me out and yes of course now I know where I’ve seen Timothy, he  plays Moon on Cedar Cove and way back he was Commander Gareth on the SG1 episode Icon and  a priest in the Stargate Universe episode Air Part 3.





Once Upon A Time Official

Timothy Webber IMDB