Jul 142012

Now this is a very clever idea in taking the London Underground basic layout and using that as a map for the Gate system, thanks to @StargateAtlas for the tweet and props to the original artist Jagna-Q7. 

Deviant Art Jagna-Q7

May 012010

Continuing on from last week we still have the Destiny in FTL while Greer and Co are trapped underground lightyears away. When the ship enters normal space Rush and James start to gate jump back in an effort to reach the planet while after a cave and Greer flashbacks Scott, Eli and Chloe all gate away trying to catch up with Destiny. Now this was a good episode both in how smoothly it flowed by also the ending, the bulking up of Greer’s character with his troubles as a young boy/man explained a lot.

TJ also finally and quite abruptly spilled the beans:)

Key Points..

  • Greer
  • You are Here
  • Choices