Matthew Bennett
Matthew played Jared Kane in two episodes of Stargate SG1 ( Ethon and Icon ) and also Ted in the episode Point of No Return. He was also a recurring character on Battlestar Galactica playing Aaron Doral and has starred in Cold Squad, Orphan Black, Murdoch Mysterie, Taken and Peacemakers. IMDB Twitter
Kathleen Munroe
Kathleen was Amanda Perry in four episodes of Stargate Universe as well as playing Audrey Parker in Haven and then appearing in Alphas, CSI NY, Supernatural, Motive and Resurrection. IMDB Twitter
Jill Teed
Jill guest starred twice on Stargate SG1 in the 100th and 200th episodes playing Yolanda Reese aka Stacey Monroe. She’s also appeared on Battlestar Galactica, Falcon Beach, Reaper, Continuum, Arctic Air, Operation Christmas , Arrow, Godzilla and Signed, Sealed, Delivered. IMDB Twitter
Ryan Jefferson Booth
Ryan played Corporal Marsden in six episodes of Stargate Universe, a Jaffa on the SG1 episode Endgame and Lt. Negley in the Atlantis episode Vengeance. He has also appeared on Fringe, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency, Once Upon A Time, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and The 4400 and is a Personal Trainer in Vancouver. IMDB Twitter