Mar 082014

avatar2 SG1 visit the planet Galaran who are part of the Asgard protected planets treaty with the former Systems Lords. With little support coming from the Asgard who have their own issues the Galarans have opened up talks with the Earth for mutual trade and information exchange offering a memory technology which could train anyone with any skill in a matter of days rather then months or even years. Impressed with the demonstration Cameron gets close to the head scientist a Dr Reya Varrick and after going home with her is found the next morning with her dead and a belief he killed her. Complications arise when it becomes evident that his memory has been tampered with and despite the Galarans looking to sweep the crime under the carpet Cameron insists on an investigation.

Do you really trust him?

Do you really trust him?

Collateral Damage is a rather dark story, quite brutally shot although the rather clever way to shoot the attack and it’s consequences mitigated a lot of the violence which probably got it past the Scifi channel censors at the time. The technology offered has it’s benefits that is for sure but is so open to exploitation for all the wrong reasons it’s almost to dangerous to have access too as clearly demonstrated by the events in this episode and for those that recall in the premiere of Blakes 7 when memories are tampered with to secure a conviction for political means by the powers that be. This was an out and out Cameron episode and Ben performed well both in the one on one with Reya (Anna Galvin) and then opening up Cameron’s character with part of his background good and bad all of which put him where he is today. Loved the guest appearance by Ian playing his dad and we’ll see him again and of course William playing the Emissary always delivers.

Superb lighting

Superb lighting

This weeks promo is for the Scifi Diner podcast and thanks to Brad for the voicemail and the chatter across our social media portals, we can’t thank you all enough for joining us as we enjoy everything that is Stargate, well apart from Infinity which I actually tried to watch via Amazon Prime this past week. Next week we have the Atlantis episode Epiphany and as always plenty of SG1 and Atlantis episodes that we could do with a guest to join us and we still have an opening for the Atlantis wrap up show we’ll be recording in about three months.




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