Apr 222017

Stargate Universe Wrap Up Show

Welcome to the roundtable discussion of the two seasons of Stargate Universe in this wrap up show. Joining Mike and Alan are Thomas, Ian and Steve along with additional material from the co-founder of the podcast, Scott. On the show we discuss Stargate Universe in general and answer a few more specific questions in we hope an entertaining fashion. We also have the results of the favourite episode listener poll which we ran for a week and while we didn’t get the number of votes when compared to our other polls (which ran for around a month) we got enough to give us an idea of how the show fared.

Stargate Universe

SGU Poll Results…

  1. Gauntlet
  2. Twin Destinies & Air (1,2 & 3)

Stargate Universe

We would like to thank everyone that has contributed to the Gatecast podcast for these past few years but there have been so many so for now we want to have a special mention for the three guys who joined us over skype to wrap our coverage of Stargate Universe and also to Brad for the feedback over the years and dedication in getting up so early so often to talk with us, alas scheduling prevented him from joining in directly. We also want to thank Holly for the feedback over on our Facebook group and to Dan for the email along with our continued thanks to every follower on our social media, you’ve all made this journey worthwhile.

In particular those that have joined us on the show to talk Stargate are going to get named (but not shamed) and while I am pretty sure this is a complete list if I have forgotten anyone make sure I know so I can correct any mistake, I would hate to have missed a guest while scanning through 350 episodes.


  • Kristina
  • Stephen
  • Steve
  • Adam
  • Brad
  • Thomas
  • Adriana
  • Misa
  • Scott
  • Dan
  • Ian
  • Jacob
  • Tim
  • Daniel
  • David
  • Miles
  • Andrew
  • Michael
  • Jeff
  • Matthew
  • Shayne
  • Phil
  • Dave


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  5 Responses to “Gatecast Stargate Universe Wrap Up Show”

  1. Well this particular journey is done but Stargate isn’t going anywhere 🙂

  2. I feel so sad we are done… I am going through WITHDRAWALS!!!

  3. Thank you Holly, you have been more than welcome 🙂

  4. Thanks guys for the mention! Love the commentary…..love Stargate!

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