Jan 082010

A happy new year to all our listeners and an update on the status of the second season of the show.

Alan and myself were all set up to record the season 2 premiere episode yesterday but the issues with the VOIP recording which first occurred with the state of the podcast reared it’s ugly head once again. Despite Alan paying for the license to use the app it still cut off recording after 5 minutes so he is getting back to the company to sort it out. Touchwood we can find the time to do the show this weekend and still hit out intended release date, if not bare with us we are committed or should that be until we are committed:)

 Posted by at 9:37 am

  One Response to “Happy New Year”

  1. hey I’m the one with the psychology degree, no word from “the man” yet, but considering the fact that the support address was misspelled in the Help->About section I’m not holding out much hope.

    A solution will be found folks, I promise, not gonna leave ye hanging.
    In the meantime why not email us about what ye thought of series one?

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