Aug 102013

avatar2 As the inhabitants of Atlantis gate off world and the self destruct timer is engaged and incoming wormhole is a bit of surprise for it brings a fully equipped SGC military unit responding to the message sent a few weeks previously. Colonel Everett introduces himself and takes command reasoning that this is now a military not civilian situation but with John’s backing Weir regains her place at least to the point of being involved. The SGC has sent nuclear weapons to be used as space mines and more importantly a charged ZPM which was recovered from Egypt thanks to the fortunate events as told in the SG1 episode Moebius.

Alas and of no great surprise the Wraith detect the mines and reign down space rocks which detonate the mines and make the cities sensors useless leaving the way open for an air assault by hundreds of Darts, it’s repelled in a brutal fire fight but that was just round one. Teyla convinces the Colonel to let her people help to patrol the city as Wraith have been beaming down and thus a fully on battle for the city beings in the air and on the ground.
The only ace in the hole they now have are two atomic bombs secured by Weir from the Genii and in the hour of desperation John takes one in a stealth jumper to detonate inside a Hive and yes folks to be continued…

Google maps has improved.

Google maps has improved.

The Siege Part 2 is an epic season finale and cliff hanger for Atlantis. The arrival of the units from Earth was serendipitous to say the least but ties in wonderfully with Letters From Pegasus and Moebius. The  animosity from Everett is an interesting twist but maybe no one on Earth can fully understand the Wraith until the see them or experience them right there and then so leaving a man a friend behind from a military standpoint was the right choice and we know John made the right call. We also got to see the Colonel lighten up after his first brush with the Wraith and accept Teyla and her people’s help in defending the city and again Torri got some good dialogue to deliver proving that Weir has her place in the show when written well.

Pretty from a Distance

Pretty from a Distance

The special effects, set design and props for this episode are incredible, it’s hard to imagine that only a decade earlier this sort of spectacle was still impressive in the cinema and totally unheard of for television. While other big scifi tv franchises had their fair share of epic battles this combination of Earth tech and Alien tech was stunning and lets not forget the audio and sound effects used to compliment the graphics, everything has to work together.

Really looking forward to the third part of this trilogy in the season two premiere of Atlantis and the changes that come with this second season. A big thank you to Jeff for joining us once again and he will be with us for part 3 and thanks to everyone for posting and responding on the various social media portals. Next week it’s the Stargate SG1 wrap up show and the week after the Atlantis Wrap up show complete with poll results so please join us for that and pay a visit to Nutty Bites this weeks promo, a funny and geeky podcast hosted by our friend Nuchtchas.





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