Mark Savela
Mark was the Visual Effects Supervisor on Stargate Atlantis (57 eps) , Stargate Universe (40 eps) and briefly on Stargate SG1 (5 eps). He has also worked on Primeval New World, Snow Buddies, Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers, Due South, Total Recall 2070, The Santa Clause 2, Dark Matter and iZombie.IMDB Twitter
Roxana Phillip
Roxana played Melosha on the Stargate SG1 episode The Broca Divide and her only other on screen credit was for a guest spot on Strange Luck. IMDB
Gianin Loffler
Gianin played the young man Nabeh in the Stargate theatrical feature, he has also appeared on Babylon 5, Grey’s Anatomy, Little Noises and The Shield. IMDB Official