Mar 262017

Angelique Naude
Angelique played an Atlantis expedition scientist who caught Shepherd’s eye in the episode “No Mans Land”. A former fashion model and actress who has also been on The 4400, Supernatural, Dream Gamblers, Blood Ties, Chaos and Scary Movie 4. IMDB


Mar 262016

Angelique Naude
Angelique played a young scientist who caught Sheppard’s eye in “No Mans Land”. She’s also been on The 4400, Supernatural, Dream Gamblers, Blood Ties, Chaos and Scary Movie 4. IMDB
Angelique Naude2



Mar 262015

Angelique Naude
Angelique caught Sheppard’s eye in “No Mans Land” playing a small role in that Stargate Atlantis episode. She’s also been on The 4400, Supernatural, Dream Gamblers, Blood Ties, Chaos and Scary Movie 4. IMDB


Mar 262014

Angelique Naude 
Angelique caught Sheppard’s eye in “No Mans Land” playing a small role in that Stargate Atlantis episode. She’s also been in Supernatural, Blood Ties, Chaos and Scary Movie 4. IMDB

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Mar 262013

A very happy birthday and best wishes on the 26th to Angelique Naude who caught Sheppard’s eye in “No Mans Land” playing a small but significant role (to John) in the episode, she’s also been in Supernatural, Blood Ties and Chaos.
