Apr 142017

Robert Carlyle
Robert starred in all forty episodes of Stargate Universe playing the wonderfully complicated Dr Nicholas Rush and is currently starring in Once Upon A Time as Mr Gold and his alter ego. He has also appeared on 24, The World Is Not Enough , Hamish Macbeth, Cracker, Trainspotting. Ravenous and starred and directed the very movie The Legend of Barney Thomson. IMDB Twitter

Janene Carleton
Janene was a stunt performer, on Stargate SG1 she doubled for Claudia Black on the episode The Pegasus Project. She has also worked on Supernatural, Smallville, Eureka, Bates Motel, Power Rangers, Deadpool and Tomorrowland: A World Beyond. She has acted on shows such as Continuum, The 100 and Supernatural. IMDB Official Twitter

Darek Gogol
Derek was a conceptual illustrator on the 1994 Stargate movie. He has also provided his talents on Aladdin, Minority Report, The Matrix Reloaded, National Treasure, Armageddon, Iron Man 2 and Enchanted. IMDB

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