Jul 262009

The SG-1 team is sent after the SG-9 team that has failed to return. They find that SG-9’s captain, having been treated like a god by planetary inhabitants, is drunk with power and is tyrannizing them. Can they overcome him?

Once again edited by my kind co-host Jarrak, who put together that cool intro. Also Jack says “to oz” at one point in this episode.

Indeed count remains at zero however 🙁 so we’re nought for 5

I know you can do better folks, come on, supply an intro, it’ll be fun.


  3 Responses to “Episode 5 – The First Commandment”

  1. FIrst season hit and miss syndrome I’m afraid, there are some cracking episodes coming up especially those that deal with the overall mythology.

  2. Didn’t care for this episode. I liked seeing the black guy from 24 with his then baby face. I didn’t start watching SG1 until season 3. Now I’m going back through the earlier episodes. So far I can see why I didn’t watch SG1 at first. I haven’t liked any of these early episodes yet.

  3. Yeah come on listeners, I have no musical talent what so ever but together a few clips for an intro/theme so what could someone with even a little talent do:)

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