Feb 152015

The Flash is the latest hit tv series that has transitioned from comic books and you’ll see plenty of familiar faces from similar genre shows appearing in guest spots and recurring roles, on the latest episode “The Nuclear Man” episode 13 of the first season we had Chase Masterson, Clancy BrownVictor Garber and Michelle Harrison (SG1 & SGU) as Nora Allen. However lets concentrate on the all too brief appearance of the Stargate fan favourite Bill Dow playing Dr. Quentin Quale.

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Dec 072014

Yes I know spotting former Stargate actors on Arctic Air is not that difficult but it was great to see Bill Dow back on my television in albeit a small role as Boomer Platt in the seventh episode of the third season of the show entitled Flying Solo. I’ve finally gotten around to watching the final season of the show, pity the powers that be decided not to go ahead with a fourth season but for a time this tale of adventures in the cold wilderness and the communities that kept the lights bright was entertaining to watch. Bill of course played Dr Lee on all three live action Stargate series, one of the many characters with smaller roles but became true fan favourites.

CBC Arctic Air

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